Title:Internet Piracy
Category:Internet: Resources
Description:Devoted to providing indepth information on a very serious subject of copyright violation and the piracy of digital content. Teaches the visitor on how to avoid copyright infringement and how to protect one's own online content. Provides links and other background information on the laws of copyright and what can be done in order to secure the use of another copyrighted photo, article or story, cartoon or logo etc.
Meta Keywords:internet piracy,resources,dan rosandich
Meta Description:Devoted to providing indepth information on a very serious subject of copyright violation and the piracy of digital content. Teaches the visitor on how to avoid copyright infringement and how to protect one's own online content. Provides links and other background information on the laws of copyright and what can be done in order to secure the use of another copyrighted photo, article or story, cartoon or logo etc.