Vacation Rentals

Date Added: February 01, 2009 03:32:36 AM
Author: emmett
Category: Travel & Vacation

Vacation Rentals Club is not just another listing site.

Broadcast your vacations, upload videos, add holiday photos, read and write reviews while browsing thousands of vacation rentals from around our world.


Finding a vacation home is simple enough; but finding the right one is another matter.

Here at VRC we have tried to please all the guests all the time. We do not just list one type of property like many sites but we list all types. Anything which is classed as a vacation property we will list as long as it means a certain standard and offers a certain level of facilities to it's guests.


We list every type of property, apartments, villas, hotels as well as every other type of Vacation accommodation on our planet.


A log cabin in the Canadian rockies maybe ? an Irish castle? We offer both. In fact we have all your accommodation ideas all wrapped up in one fantastic site bursting with things to do and view.

Got your last vacation on video, well broadcast it to your friends and enemies, add photos or if you have stayed in a property let other travelers know what you thought about it, write and publish your property reviews.


VRC welcome all your holiday snaps and videos, free to upload as many as you like. Broadcast your vacations here


Our collection of places to stay is pretty extensive and getting larger by the day.You can choose properties from every corner of our planet and as soon as outer space is a vacation destination we'll be offering that too.


We leave no stones unturned to uncover the best places for you, our visitors.We try add a selection of all types of accommodation in each city or country.


We add any unusual properties we come accross on during our web surfing sessions, places you will not come accross elsewhere without a lot of net searching.


Our selection of properties in Europe offer visitors a lovely collection of places to sleep. From basic accommodation to entire castles, we offer all types of places to lay your head.


Check out our properties around Europe including Rome, Amsterdam , Paris ,Florence and  London


Check out our rentals in some of the more remote places on our planet, places like Bolgatangar in Ghana or Prince Edward Island or up and coming places like Dubai


Vacation Rentals Club also offer a number of other special features. Check out the VRC forum where guests and visitors discuss travel matters, previous vacations they have taken and ones they intend to take, Places they recommend and ones they warn against even thinking about staying at. The VRC travel blog, offers articles and travel information and adviceon various destinations. The VRC adrentals se ...


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